MMS Admissions
No. of Seats sanctioned for 2024–26 180
Eligibility Criteria
1) The candidate possesses minimum 50% marks in aggregate or equivalent CGPA (45% in case of candidates of backward class categories and persons with disability belonging to Maharashtra State only) in any Bachelor’s degree awarded by a recognized University.
2) Candidate should have appeared for entrance MAH- MBA/MMS-CET / XAT / CAT / CMAT / ATMA / MAT as per the guidelines of Admissions Regulating Authority (ARA)/DTE, Govt. of Maharashtra.
Note: Please refer to DTE Information Brochure 2024-26 for details on Admission process. (
3) For Institutional quota, registration online and verification offline have to be done at the facilitation centre
MMS Admission Process
The MMS admission is governed by the state common entrance test (CET) cell, Government of Maharashtra.
List of Documents to be Submitted - MMS Admissions
Students have to submit the following documents along with the MMS Application Form for applying to
Institutional Quota seats:
a) Graduation Mark sheet
b) Entrance Test Score Card
Original Documents to be submitted on securing MMS Admission along with 2 photo copies each, duly attested.
1) Students who have secured admission through the Centralized Admission Process (CAP) rounds should submit Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) Allotment letter and Facilitation Center (FC) letter.
2) Entrance Test Score Card.
3. PROFORMA-O (For Minority Candidates)
4. Domicile Certificate (Compulsory for all students)
5. Statement of Marks of Std. X Examination. (S.S.C.)
6. Statement of Marks of Std. XII Examination.(H.S.C.)
7. Statement of Marks for the Bachelor’s Degree Examination (i.e. The Qualifying Degree Examination).
a) Convocation Degree Certificate. b) Passing Certificate (If graduated in current year).
8. Digital Transference Certificate from the college last attended by the student to be submitted within 15 days.
9. Gap Certificate (Affidavit on Rs. 100/- stamp paper or as required by Competent Authority duly notarized), if graduated prior to the current year.
10. Aadhar Card Copy(mandatory)
11. Certificate of Work Experience / Achievement / Award etc (2 copies only)
12. Physical Fitness Certificate from a Registered Medcal Practitioner (original copy only)
13. Latest Colour Photograph: 3 Nos (Identical Passport Size with White Background only)
14. Students passing qualifying examination from other than University of Mumbai will also have to submit the following within 15 days (with 4 attested copies)
a) Eligibility Certificate from University of Mumbai. b) Migration Certificate. c) Validity/Verification Report from their University.
15. Students belonging to the Reserved Category will have to submit the following (with 4 attested copies) a) Caste Certificate. b) Caste Validity.
c) Non Creamy Layer Certificate (In case of NT2/NT3/OBC)- Certificate should be valid up to 31st March 2025.
16. Affidavits by parents/students on anti-ragging.
17. Acknowledgement of receipt of Rules & Regulations of the Institute.
18. Income Certificate issued by Tehsildar(Maharashtra State), for FY 2023-24 (if candidate is applying for Scholarship, only students admitted through CAP round can apply for the EBC / Minority Scholarship)
Rubrics for Assessment
National Board of Accreditation (NBA) recommends “Rubrics” as an evaluation and assessment tool for attainment level of POs (Programme Outcomes) and Course Outcomes (Cos).
A rubric is a scoring guide with criteria for evaluating students’ work in direct relation to one or more of the PO’s and a rating scale indicating differing levels of performance.
Rubrics provide clear information to students about what is expected from them enhancing students learning.
SFIMAR has adopted rubrics for the Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) of the students to achieve the programme outcomes.